" تا زماني كه كوه ها و رودخانه ها در سطح زمين باقي و جاري است ،قصه رامايانا نيز در پهنه جهان ساري خواهد بود ."
واژه رامايانا ( Ramayana ) مركب از دو كلمه " رام " و "اينه" و در اصل به معناي پناه گاه و مامن رام يا سرگذشت و ماجراي رام است . از سويي نام قديمي ترين منظومه حماسي جهان نيز هست كه والميكي ، شاعر و سخن گوي باستاني هندوستان آن را سروده است .
رامايانا ، ماجراي رام و سيتا را بازگو مي كند و سراينده آن پدر شاعران حماسه سراي هند و بزرگ ترين آنان بود كه در حدود سده 5 پيش از ميلاد مي زيست . در داستان هاي هندو آمده كه والميكي ابتدا راهزن كاروانها بود .
اما پس از مدتي با يك دگرگوني روحي ، از كرده ناپسند گذشته پشيمان شد و توبه نمود .
او تا پايان عمر در خانقاه خويش ، در جنگل هاي دامنه هيماليا ، به زهد و رياضت پرداخت . آن چه در ادامه ، به عنوان خلاصه اين افسانه ، مي آيد براساس اساطير هندي است و جنبه ملي و ادبي دارد ؛ نه اين كه تاريخ واقعيت ها باشد .
اما ميليون ها تن از هنديان مفاد اين اساطير را واقعيت تاريخي مي پندارند .
آنها رام را مظهر خداي ويشنو _ يكي از مظاهر سه گانه در مذهب هنديان و باعث بقاي موجودات _ مي شمارند و رامايانا را نه تنها يك اثر حماسي و رزمي مي دانند ، بلكه به آن جنبه تقدس نيز مي بخشند .
چكيده حماسه رامايانا
رام بزرگ ترين فرزند پادشاه كشور كوسالا بود . او يك برادر تني به نام لكشمن ( Lakshman ) و دو برادر ناتني داشت كه نام يكي از آنها بهارت بود .
زماني كه اين چهار برادر مهمان بزم يكي از پادشاهان بودند ، رام در مسابقه تيراندازي اي كه شاه ترتيب داده بود پيروز شد . پادشاه نيز دختر زيباي خود ، سيتا ، را به عنوان هديه و پاداش هنرمندي رام به او داد. .پدر رام پيش از مرگ خود قصد داشت رام را به جانشيني برگزيند اما همسر دوم شاه اظهار نارضايتي كرد .
او اصرار داشت فرزندش ، بهارت ، جانشين پدرش شود .
پادشاه نيز به دليل اين كه قول داده بود آرزوهاي همسرش را براورده كند ، مجبور به پذيرش خواست او بود . به اين ترتيب شاه بر سر دوراهي قرار گرفت . اما رام با بزرگ منشي كنار رفت و سلطنت برادر كوچك تر خود را پذيرفت تا به اين مخمصه پايان دهد .
سپس به همراه همسر و برادرش ، لكشمن ، براي زندگي به جنگل رفت .
در آن جنگل ها تعدادي زاهد به عبادت مشغول بودند . يكي از آن ها والميكي نام داشت كه در اثر رفت و آمد رام به عبادتگاه او ، از حال و روزش با اطلاع شد .پادشاه كه با رفتن رام بيمار و رنجور شده بود ، پس از مدتي از دنيا رفت. . بهارت جوانمرد و نيك سيرت ، چون سلطنت را حق برادر بزرگ تر خويش مي دانست ، با فوت پدر رهسپار محل زندگي رام شد تا او را به پايتخت آورد . اما رام با اين مساله موافق نبود و از بهارت خواست تا به عنوان وظيفه ، اين مسئوليت را همچنان بر عهده گيرد .
براي همين كفش هايش را از پاي خود درآورد و به بهارت داد .
منظور رام اين بود همچنان كه او كفش ها را از پاي خود درآورده ، به برادرش داده است ، سلطنت را نيز به او بخشيده است .
اما بهارت زماني كه از نزد رام بازگشت ، كفشهاي او را بر تخت سلطنت و زير چتر شاهي نهاد . او خود نزديك كفشهاي رام مي نشست و به نام رام حكومت مي كرد. . رام در مدتي كه در جنگل مي زيست ، تعدادي از ديوها را از ميان برداشت . به همين دليل يكي از سران ديوها به نام راون به قصد خونخواهي برآمد . او خود را به شكل غزالي در آورد و به محل زندگي رام رفت . رام غزال را تعقيب كرد ؛ ولي بازنگشت . به اصرار سيتا ، برادر رام به دنبال او رفت .
چون سيتا تنها شد راون به خلوتگاه آنها آمد و سيتا را با زور ، بر ارابه آسمان پيماي خود نشاند و به جزيره سيلان برد. . زماني كه رام و لكشمن بازگشتند ، سيتا را نيافتند . آنها ناراحت و پريشان به جستجوي او پرداختند .
در اين حال ندايي از آسمان راه آزادي سيتا را براي آنها نماياند . رام براي آزادي همسرش با شاه بوزينگان متحد شد و از آنها ياري گرفت تا به جنگ ديو برود .
در اين نبرد ، ميمون ها براي عبور ياران رام از دريا ، دم هاي خود را زنجير وار به هم پيوستند و پل متحركي بر روي آب ساختند . اين گونه رام توانست سيتا را برهاند. . اما حسودان و بدخواهان پس از اين رويداد ، آن را دستاويزي براي وسوسه رام قرار دادند . تا جايي كه او همسرش را _ با وجود اين كه باردار بود _ به بيابان تبعيد كرد .
در صورتي كه سيتا در دوران تبعيد خود خواسته رام به او وفادار بوده ، در تمام سختي ها همراه او بود. . سيتا در جستجوي پناهگاه به عبادتكده والميكي رسيد و از سوي او پذيرفته شد . والميكي پس از تولد فرزندان او ، كه دو نوزاد دوقلو بودند ، به آنها دانش جنگاوري ، كمان داري ، علم و ادب آموخت .
پس از پانزده سال سيتا به همراه فرزندانش نزد رام بازگشت و رام آنها را پذيرفت . اما سيتا كه پيش از اين بسيار آزرده شده بود از مادر خويش _ زمين _ خواست تا به پاكي او گواهي دهد .
زمين نيز دهان باز كرد و او را در كام خويش كشيد و سيتا به همان جايي بازگشت كه از آن آمده بود . رام پس از اين ماجرا با ناراحتي و شوريدگي بي نهايت ، به جستجوي همسرش در آسمان ها رفت تا به او بپيوندد و عمر او نيز به اين گونه به پايان رسيد. . * تلخيص از كتاب " گذري بر هند "
؛ نوشته جلال الدين نائيني. . .
نزدیک به ده هزارو پنجصد سال پیش، در سرزمین پهناور هندوستان که از سوی افغانهای دیروز "بهارت" یا "بهارت ورشه" که همانا پهنایی و حاصلخیزی خاک را میرساند، نام گرفته بود**؛ در بخش شمال، پادشاهی با سه زن و چهار فرزند زندگی خوش و آرامی داشت. این پادشاه شهره به عدالت و وفا به عهد و پیمان، معروف به "راجه دهشرت" بود. هنگامی که همسر دومی او فرزندی به دنیا آورد، از شادمانی زیاد با همسرش پیمان کرد، هرچیزی که او بخواهد آماده و فراهم ساخته خواهد شد.
"رام"، فرزند مهتر پادشاه از همسر نخست او بود. هندوان از روی ارج و خلوص او را "سری رام" یعنی جناب/ حضرت یا آقای رام میگویند.
پادشاه "دهشرت" برای پرورش فرزندان علمای برجسته زبانهای هندی و سانسکریت، علوم دینی و استادان ورزیده نظامی و سایر آگاهیهای آن روزگار را فراخوانده بود تا در آینده به اداره امور با تلاش شایسته پیش روند.
سجای اخلاقی، تربیت و شخصیت والای رام، پدر و دیگران را در خانواده گرویده او گردانیده به او حرمت و منزلت بیشتر بخشیدند.
Ramayana Summary
The Ramayana is one of the two great Indian epics,the other being the Mahabharata. The Ramayana tells about life in India around 1000 BCE and offers models in dharma. The hero, Rama, lived his whole life by the rules of dharma; in fact, that was why Indian consider him heroic. When Rama was a young boy, he was the perfect son. Later he was an ideal husband to his faithful wife, Sita, and a responsible ruler of Aydohya. "Be as Rama," young Indians have been taught for 2,000 years; "Be as Sita."
The original Ramayana was a 24,000 couplet-long epic poem attributed to the Sanskrit poet Valmiki. Oral versions of Rama's story circulated for centuries, and the epic was probably first written down sometime around the start of the Common Era. It has since been told, retold, translated and transcreated throughout South and Southeast Asia, and the Ramayana continues to be performed in dance, drama, puppet shows, songs and movies all across Asia.
From childhood most Indians learn the characters and incidents of these epics and they furnish the ideals and wisdom of common life. The epics help to bind together the many peoples of India, transcending caste, distance and language. Two all-Indian holidays celebrate events in the Ramayana. Dussehra, a fourteen-day festival in October, commemorates the siege of Lanka and Rama's victory over Ravana, the demon king of Lanka. Divali, the October-November festival of Lights, celebrates Rama and Sita's return home to their kingdom of Ayodhya Prince Rama was the eldest of four sons and was to become king when his father retired from ruling. His stepmother, however, wanted to see her son Bharata, Rama's younger brother, become king. Remembering that the king had once promised to grant her any two wishes she desired, she demanded that Rama be banished and Bharata be crowned. The king had to keep his word to his wife and ordered Rama's banishment. Rama accepted the decree unquestioningly. "I gladly obey father's command," he said to his stepmother. "Why, I would go even if you ordered it."
When Sita, Rama's wife, heard Rama was to be banished, she begged to accompany him to his forest retreat. "As shadow to substance, so wife to husband," she reminded Rama. "Is not the wife's dharma to be at her husband's side? Let me walk ahead of you so that I may smooth the path for your feet," she pleaded. Rama agreed, and Rama, Sita and his brother Lakshmana all went to the forest.
When Bharata learned what his mother had done, he sought Rama in the forest. "The eldest must rule," he reminded Rama. "Please come back and claim your rightful place as king." Rama refused to go against his father's command, so Bharata took his brother's sandals and said, "I shall place these sandals on the throne as symbols of your authority. I shall rule only as regent in your place, and each day I shall put my offerings at the feet of my Lord. When the fourteen years of banishment are over, I shall joyously return the kingdom to you." Rama was very impressed with Bharata's selflessness. As Bharata left, Rama said to him, "I should have known that you would renounce gladly what most men work lifetimes to learn to give up."
Later in the story, Ravana, the evil King of Lanka, (what is probably present-day Sri Lanka) abducted Sita. Rama mustered the aid of a money army, built a causeway across to Lanka, released Sita and brought her safely back to Aydohya. In order to set a good example, however, Rama demanded that Sita prove her purity before he could take her back as his wife. Rama, Sita and Bharata are all examples of persons following their dharma.
This lesson focuses on how the Ramayana teaches Indians to perform their dharma. Encourage students to pick out examples of characters in the epic who were faithful to their dharma and those who violated their dharma. Mahatma Gandhi dreamed that one day modern India would become a Ram-rajya.
The Ramayana is one of the two great Indian epics,the other being the Mahabharata. The Ramayana tells about life in India around 1000 BCE and offers models in dharma. The hero, Rama, lived his whole life by the rules of dharma; in fact, that was why Indian consider him heroic. When Rama was a young boy, he was the perfect son. Later he was an ideal husband to his faithful wife, Sita, and a responsible ruler of Aydohya. "Be as Rama," young Indians have been taught for 2,000 years; "Be as Sita."
The original Ramayana was a 24,000 couplet-long epic poem attributed to the Sanskrit poet Valmiki. Oral versions of Rama's story circulated for centuries, and the epic was probably first written down sometime around the start of the Common Era. It has since been told, retold, translated and transcreated throughout South and Southeast Asia, and the Ramayana continues to be performed in dance, drama, puppet shows, songs and movies all across Asia.
From childhood most Indians learn the characters and incidents of these epics and they furnish the ideals and wisdom of common life. The epics help to bind together the many peoples of India, transcending caste, distance and language. Two all-Indian holidays celebrate events in the Ramayana. Dussehra, a fourteen-day festival in October, commemorates the siege of Lanka and Rama's victory over Ravana, the demon king of Lanka. Divali, the October-November festival of Lights, celebrates Rama and Sita's return home to their kingdom of Ayodhya Prince Rama was the eldest of four sons and was to become king when his father retired from ruling. His stepmother, however, wanted to see her son Bharata, Rama's younger brother, become king. Remembering that the king had once promised to grant her any two wishes she desired, she demanded that Rama be banished and Bharata be crowned. The king had to keep his word to his wife and ordered Rama's banishment. Rama accepted the decree unquestioningly. "I gladly obey father's command," he said to his stepmother. "Why, I would go even if you ordered it."
When Sita, Rama's wife, heard Rama was to be banished, she begged to accompany him to his forest retreat. "As shadow to substance, so wife to husband," she reminded Rama. "Is not the wife's dharma to be at her husband's side? Let me walk ahead of you so that I may smooth the path for your feet," she pleaded. Rama agreed, and Rama, Sita and his brother Lakshmana all went to the forest.
When Bharata learned what his mother had done, he sought Rama in the forest. "The eldest must rule," he reminded Rama. "Please come back and claim your rightful place as king." Rama refused to go against his father's command, so Bharata took his brother's sandals and said, "I shall place these sandals on the throne as symbols of your authority. I shall rule only as regent in your place, and each day I shall put my offerings at the feet of my Lord. When the fourteen years of banishment are over, I shall joyously return the kingdom to you." Rama was very impressed with Bharata's selflessness. As Bharata left, Rama said to him, "I should have known that you would renounce gladly what most men work lifetimes to learn to give up."
Later in the story, Ravana, the evil King of Lanka, (what is probably present-day Sri Lanka) abducted Sita. Rama mustered the aid of a money army, built a causeway across to Lanka, released Sita and brought her safely back to Aydohya. In order to set a good example, however, Rama demanded that Sita prove her purity before he could take her back as his wife. Rama, Sita and Bharata are all examples of persons following their dharma.
This lesson focuses on how the Ramayana teaches Indians to perform their dharma. Encourage students to pick out examples of characters in the epic who were faithful to their dharma and those who violated their dharma. Mahatma Gandhi dreamed that one day modern India would become a Ram-rajya.